Yale Simpson
Yale Simpson has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Geological Engineering) from the University of British Columbia, Canada. Yale has more than 40 years experience as a senior geologist, exploration manager and CEO of companies involved in precious metals projects in Australia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America. Those companies included Pennzoil Company, Chevron Exploration, Australmin Holdings, Argosy Mining Corp. and Black Swan Gold Mines Ltd. Yale was co-Chairman of Extorre Gold Mines Ltd., a successful spin-out from Exeter Resource Corporation, which was bought by Yamana Gold Ltd. in 2012. Yale was co-Chairman of Exeter until it was purchased by Goldcorp Inc. in 2017. He is currently a director of Adamera Minerals Corporation and C3 Metals Inc.
Bryce Roxburgh
President, CEO and Director
Bryce Roxburgh obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and geophysics from Sydney University in 1971 and a Fellow of the AusIMM. He has over 40 years experience in the exploration and mining industry. From 1971 to 1989, Bryce worked for Amoco Minerals Australia Company and Cyprus Mines Corporation and was responsible for the exploration teams which discovered the Selwyn, Red Dome and Junction Reef mines. Between 1989 and 1998, he worked for Arimco N.L. and Climax Mining Limited where he was responsible for the teams which discovered the Didipio mine in the Philippines. In 2003 Bryce and colleague Yale Simpson established Exeter Resource Corporation focusing on gold and copper projects in South America. He was co-Chairman of Extorre Gold Mines Ltd., a successful spin out from Exeter Resource Corporation in 2010, which was bought by Yamana Gold Ltd. in 2012. Bryce was co-Chairman of Exeter until it was purchased by Goldcorp Inc. in 2017.
Robert Reynolds
Rob Reynolds has been involved in exploration and resource development companies for over 40 years. He has held various positions, including that of Executive Director of Delta Gold Ltd. from 1987 to 1996, responsible for corporate planning, finance and administration. Rob also participated in the development of the Granny Smith and Kanowna Belle mines in Western Australia, and the Hartley Platinum Mine in Zimbabwe. More recently, Rob was the Chairman of successful Australian gold miner, Avoca Resources Ltd until its merger with Anatolia Minerals Development Limited in 2011 to form Alacer Gold. Rob was also a director of Exeter Resource Corporation until it was purchased by Goldcorp Inc. in 2017. He remains a director of the Australian listed company Dacian Gold Limited.
Cecil Bond
Executive Vice President, Director
Cecil is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA CA) with over 30 years of experience in public and private companies. Over the last 25 years he has held various positions in a number of public exploration companies with activities in Canada, South America, Africa, Europe and Australia. He was the Chief Financial Officer of Exeter until it was purchased by Goldcorp Inc. in 2017. Cecil is currently a director of Inflection Resources Ltd and has served as a director and held senior positions in a number of other public and private companies. He has successfully managed capital raisings and the spin out of Exeter’s high grade gold/ silver Cerro Moro project in Argentina to Extorre Gold Mines Limited which was taken over by Yamana Gold in August 2012.
Paul Joyce
Chief Operating Officer & QP, Director
Mr. Joyce graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in the field of Earth Sciences from Macquarie University, Sydney in 1972 and completed a postgraduate Diploma of Geo-science, majoring in Mineral Economics. Paul is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geo-scientists and has over 40 years of exploration and development experience in gold and copper deposits in Australia, South East Asia, Central and South America. His past work experience includes Senior Geologist for Cyprus Gold Australia, Exploration Manager for Climax Mining Ltd and Country Manager-Philippines for Climax Arimco Mining Corp.
Merfyn Roberts
Mr. Roberts has been a fund manager and investment advisor for more than 35 years with focus on the mining and energy sectors. Notably, Mr. Roberts has served on the Agnico Eagle Mines Limited board since 2008, a period of significant growth when the company achieved significance as one of the most successful global gold mining companies. He also serves on the board of Newport Exploration Ltd. Mr. Roberts is a graduate of Liverpool University (B.Sc., Geology) and Oxford University (M.Sc., Geochemistry) and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.