Quality Targets
Rugby Resources Ltd. is an emerging mineral resource company exploring for copper, gold and silver. Before its founding in 2007, the Rugby team was responsible for major discoveries including Caspiche (copper-gold, Chile), Cerro Moro (gold-silver, Argentina) and Didipio (gold-copper, Philippines).
The discoveries resulted in corporate transactions, including the takeover of Climax Mining Ltd by OceanaGold Corporation in 2006, Extorre Gold Mines by Yamana in 2012 and of Exeter Resource Corporation by Goldcorp in 2017.
Rugby is now actively exploring new targets with “world-class” potential through a portfolio of compelling projects identified by our very experienced and successful team of mineral explorers.
Drilling is currently paused at Cobrasco, a prime asset and potentially globally important copper porphyry discovery in a world that is essentially devoid of such near surface copper discoveries and therefore more readily developed for mining.
The drill ready El Zanjon gold silver project in Argentina, one of the Company’s other superior projects, will be the focus of its exploration whilst awaiting resumption of drilling for Cobrasco.
The Targets
The Cobrasco Copper Project is a large-scale porphyry copper-molybdenum project located in the western cordillera of Colombia. Drilling to date has tested a small portion of a near-surface, very large porphyry target, evidenced by the copper-molybdenum geochemistry. To date, Rugby has conducted early stage geochemical and geophysical programs followed by two drill holes. A third hole remains for completion on resumption of the drilling program. It is expected that drilling can resume in 2026 to test this potentially globally significant porphyry complex which could possibly be analogous to some of the large Chilean copper mines.
The Mantau Gold-Copper Project is located in a favourable geologic environment for the discovery of a significant copper-gold deposit with IOCG characteristics. It is 70 km northeast of Antofagasta city in northern Chile at low altitude (1,500m asl), giving it excellent year round access. Outcropping copper occurrences have been mapped. Geochemical and geophysical programs are planned for 2025.
The El Zanjon Gold-Silver Project is located south of the high-grade epithermal Cerro Vanguardia gold-silver deposit owned by AngloGold Ashanti. Rugby’s geophysical and geochemical surveys have defined a large scale, potentially mineralized vein system beneath relatively shallow overlying recent sediments. The system is related to NW and E-W trending structures considered analogous in structure and size to the Cerro Vanguardia mine vein field. Further detailed magnetic surveying planned to better define drill siting on favourable structures will be followed by drilling in 2025.
The Venidero Gold-Silver Project is located 60 km south of Newmont’s high-grade epithermal Cerro Negro gold-silver deposit. The property hosts outcropping epithermal veins with elevated gold values within the same host rocks as Cerro Negro. Exploration including more detailed vein geochemistry is planned in 2025. Drilling will follow planned IP geophysical surveying. Exploration programs are currently being permitted and will be conducted concurrently with exploration at El Zanjon.
Georgetown Gold-Copper Project consists of 850 sq. km of tenements located in the Georgetown mining district, north Queensland, Australia. The Georgetown district is richly endowed with former mines and prospects but is under-explored relative to its’ potential. Rugby has formed a joint venture earn-in agreement wherein Emu NL (ASX:EMU) can earn a majority interest through staged exploration expenditures. Emu has recently made encouraging copper and gold discoveries. The Georgetown project is Emu’s major project of interest and further follow up exploration programs are planned for 2025 to define drill targets.
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